Hola amigos!
Well I feel like there isn't a whole lot to tell you about this week, because the whole week we were cooped up in our house waiting further instructions with our leaders. We were with the other Elders here in Puyo so at least we had some company, but every day was just about the same.
Wake up, read the scriptures, cook something for breakfast, read the scriptures some more or maybe go onto the roof. Eat lunch, play a board or card game. Go to the roof again, and eat dinner and play a few more games. I was impressed by how patient we all were with everything.
Luckily, yesterday the president of Ecuador was able to meet with the angry indigenous people and make some deals so in this week we will be working like normal again (hopefully).
Through all of the process I learned a lot about what it means to trust God. This weekend, the entire mission fasted, or went without eating or drinking anything with the purpose of healing this wounded country. In my prayers, I said something like this. 'God I know I'm imperfect. I know that my work hasn't always been the best, or I haven't always been the most obedient. But I've tried my best and I will try even harder if you open Ecuador again for work.'
My work now still won't be perfect, because I am imperfect, but it will be a lot more complete, and I will come home even happier than if the stop in Ecuador wouldn't have happened.
Here's a goofy video of the smoke from the tire burning that they were doing in downtown.
Elder Cloward