The plane was delayed in Miami, and we got here really late.
I am pretty tired but super excited to be here.
I am pretty tired but super excited to be here.
We ate eggs cheese and a tortilla type thing for breakfast.
Today we will have a chill day and interviews with the president and dinner at his house.
Tomorrow we will have some training and leave for our areas.
I am having so much fun trying to speak Spanish with the Latinos. They are all really funny people.
It is really pretty here, although right now we are in the center of the city.
I won´t be able to answer emails until next week, but I wanted to let you all know that I love you and I have never been more excited in my life!
Hasta Luego!
Elder Cloward
And we received this from Joshua's mission president:
Dear Brother and Sister Cloward-
We are letting you know that your son has arrived safely to the Quito Ecuador Mission. We can tell that he is a wonderful young man and we are so happy that he has joined our army of missionaries. He was assigned a trainer yesterday, Elder Sócola, who is a great missionary and who will train your son well. You will hear more from him next Monday, his P-day.
We would like to introduce ourselves. We have been serving as President and wife since July 1st of 2017. We have five children - two married, one on a mission in Texas, and our youngest two (ages 14 and 17) are here with us in Ecuador. With our son on a mission, and our older son serving in Indonesia a few years ago, we are aware of the wonderful blessings having a missionary brings. We are excited to serve with your son.
Attached you will find pictures of your son's arrival, welcome dinner, with us and with his new trainer.
We thank you for sharing your son and we know that the Lord will bless him and your family for his service.
President and Sister Barlow
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