Mon, Oct 8, 5:50 PM
Hola todos!
This week was a lot of craziness. We had interviews with the mission president Tuesday. A zone conference Wednesday, District meeting Thursday Service painting a house Friday, and general conference in the weekend. Que loco.
Before I tell you all about the crazy things that happened, I´ll let you know how the investigators are doing.
Our last lesson with Carolina before her interview was powerful. I asked her at the end. Why do you want to be baptized? She, almost crying said, "Por que creo que lo necesito." Because I believe I need it. Wow! She passed the interview and we will hold the baptismal service this upcoming Saturday. Anahí was supposed to have here interview this weekend but for family issues she may not be baptized until December. =(
The Espinoza family (Marianel Faviola Domenica) came to one of the sessions of conference, and we did some great service for them that helped us gain confidence with their son Manuel. Faviola turned 33 and she invited us to eat crab soup. It was really tasty, but a little difficult to eat.
The funniest part of the week was after the service... The water in our house house wasn´t working at all, and we were covered with paint. So we had some big bottles of water in the house that previous missionaries used as weights for doing exercises and we bathed ourselves with that water. It was really cold, and also who knows how long it was in there. Luckily the water in the house works now. Here is us and a member with our paint weapons. =P
In other news I may be becoming lactose intolerant... well here they sell milk in a few different ways. The cheapest kind is in a bag and sells for 80 cents a liter. But that milk kills my stomach on the inside so I´ve been doing my best to stay away from it. It´s really tempting when people serve hot chocolate.
This week for Pday we wanted to go to a zoo, but got lost in the process and took a bus to a small town outside of Santo Domingo called La Concordia. We wanted to do something fun there but we didn´t find anything and instead bought some Yogoso (frozen yogurt) and rode in MotoTaxis. It was the biggest waste of Pday ever. But it was fun for the laughs. Mototaxi 
This is one of the favorite foods here in Ecuador. It is called encebollado. It is a soup with fish, potatoes, shrimp onion, and chifle. Riquissimo.
Well the general conference was also quite a surprise. They will be changing the church schedule to allow more time for learning in the home. I think this is a confirmation that God has more trust in us and it is time for us to grow even closer to him. It was incredible to me how many of the speakers talked about our relationship with God. He is our father, and with the many changes being made in his Church. He is inviting us to come and be with him. How incredible!
My favorite talk was about doing a self analysis of your life to see where you are in your progression, where you are going, and where you want to go. Then change set goals to better reach your long term desires. I would invite you all to look at your life this week, and if you need to make some adjustments to better become the person you want to be, make them.
Also transfers were this week, and for the first time in my mission, my companion and I stayed companions. It may be because we only have 3 weeks together for the emergency transfers. But I´m excited to keep working with him.
Well I believe that that is all folks. Thanks so much for all of the prayers.
Elder Cloward
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