Wow! What a week we had.
Then when we got back, we had the most powerful lesson I`ve ever had in my whole mission. Last week we met someone named Marlene. She was interested in our message but seemed hesitant. But she came to church last week, still seeming skeptical. This week when we met with her and taught about the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. When we got to talking about the first vision of Joseph Smith, I could tell that something big was going to happen. But Marlene still seemed skeptical. When we talked about the Book of Mormon, my companion was prompted to tell her to open the book and read the first thing she saw. She was really nervous to start reading, but when she started reading, it felt like the Spirit fell like a lightning rod hitting all of us in the room. I felt like I was going to explode because the answer God was giving to Marlene was soo powerful.
Afterwards, she said, I didn`t understand what the book said, (the scripture wasn`t really relevant) but God told me that my search for the truth has finished. I have found the truth. It was the most powerful moment in my mission.
Also General Conference was the best!!! 10 people we are teaching attended the sessions. I felt like God was talking to me through his prophets and apostles. I challenge you all to follow their council.
I know I said last week that we would travel out to the jungle this week but we had to postpone it. This week we will be going and I will take lots of pictures.
Well I believe that`s all folks. Here`s a picture of me and my old friend Elder Burga after the leader`s council.
Elder Cloward
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