Hola Todos!
We had a really great, but tiring week.
On Tuesday, everyone left and got new companions and Elder Miller came. It´s been really strange being with him because we talk a lot more in English in the midst of lots of people who don´t understand. Also, he´s more gringoee than I am so all the weird looks people used to give to me are now giving to him.
I like being with him, but we still need to work a lot more on communication.
On Friday, we spent the whole morning taking all of the old mission supplies out of an old house and stuffing them in one room in the house of some sister missionaries. Pretty crazy!
Then on Friday, we witnessed a marriage. It was the first one I ever saw in my mission and it was really amazing. I´m so happy for the Caiza family!
Here´s the best wedding picture I got. Johanna is the happy one in white and henry is by her side. The other two were the witnesses of their wedding. Super happy for them!
However a dog decided to leave a bomb in their roof where they were having the wedding reception. 
On Sunday, Pamela, Narcisa, and Johanna de Caiza had their interviews and they all passed. We are going to have a noche blanca this Saturday. I´m most impressed with Pamela, who hasn´t had a strong confirmation that these things are true, but believes that they are and because of that faith, wants to be baptized. This week we will do our best to help her have that confirmation.
That´s about all. We´ve got leaders council again this week and I will get to see Elder Sánchez again. Time´s really flying!
Elder Cloward
Narcisa was in the terminal at the right time and was able to say goodbye to Elder Sánchez
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