Monday, February 26, 2018

Lot's of Changes

Hola Todos!

This week has been a lot! The beginning of the week was very quiet because a lot of members of our zone were heading out into the field. It was especially quiet Tuesday night where we went from a hall of 20 to a hall of 6. I wish the best for all the missionaries that just entered the field.

5 of the missionaries from our district left to learn in the Missionary Training center in the Dominican Republic on Tuesday. It was pretty sad to have them leave, but I know they will do and learn great things there. 

Here is our Zone before half of us left. 
From the Left is 
Hermana Balanzategui, going to Quito Ecuador, and a very hard worker,
Hermana Clarke, going to Cochabamba Bolivia, a person with a very big heart,
Hermana Cannon, left for Dominican republic, and the best Spanish speaker in the District,
Hermana Carroll, left for Dominican republic, and a person who likes to laugh,  
Hermana Wright,  left for Dominican republic, and a very happy person,
Hermana Anderson, going to Quito Ecuador, a parkour free runner,
Hermano Poaletti, one of our two teachers,
Elder Jensen, who left for the Dominican Republic and has a lot of faith,
Elder Tingey, who left for the Dominican republic and has a lot of love for others
and My companion, Going to Santo Cruz Bolivia north, and has a very great sense of humor.

On Tuesday, we were very pleased to find out that the night's devotional would be by Elder Jeffery R. Holland, one of the greatest church speakers and apostles. He talked all about the tremendous opportunity we had to serve a mission and he desired that we all let our mission create the foundation for our soul. I specifically liked when he told us to start our mission imagining how we wanted to return from the mission. I want to be the missionary who comes home confident and humble. Who hardly thinks of himself and stops on the way out of the airport to help someone. I want to become someone who treats all people with Christlike love.

On Wednesday, we welcomed 19 new missionaries into our zone: 13 Elders and 6 Sisters. It was fun to welcome the Elders and show them that we cared about them and also like to have fun. We've started a new tradition of having one Elder tell stories about their reasons for coming here, and their conversion to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It will allow all of us to grow closer together and grow greater respect for each other's faith. My companion had a really rough childhood, and him being here shows very strong faith.

We got another investigator today. His name is Daniel. He has a wife and a 3 year old boy and wants to know how he can become a better father. We only have one more opportunity to teach him, so I hope we can make the best of it.

We are all done teaching Laura. If I find an investigator like her on my mission, I will never be able to thank God enough. She has so much faith and such a strong desire to learn more. She will be going to church tomorrow and we set a date for her baptism after we leave. So someone else will have to take control of making sure she finishes preparations for that. 

Mauricio made great progress this week. On Monday we helped him realize why it was necessary for the Church to be restored. I bore testimony that our church was the only one that allowed us to return all the way to God and be in his presence. He was super tired that day however, and during my companions testimonies he fell asleep. Elder Miller and I are still learning how to teach a lesson in a manner that keeps our investigators interested. 
On Tuesday we went to teach Mauricio not super sure what to speak about. When we started, Mauricio asked a question. In the Book Of Mormon, Christ commands us to be perfect even as He or His Father in heaven is perfect. Mauricio was concerned that it was hard not to get angry when people judge others without knowing the whole story. We told him to continue to follow the example of Christ and love others, and then God will help you make your weaknesses strengths. He was so happy that we shared the message that he gave us a hug at the end. We were finally able to connect with him personally. 
On Friday, we helped him realize that he needs the Holy Ghost in his life. He wants to have it as his constant companion, but is unsure of whether or not he is ready to be baptized. We will continue to work on that.

Next week we will role play with the other people in our district and be our own investigators. Me and my companion have an interesting backstory to the investigators we will be role-playing as.
It will be fun!

There has been tons of snow recently. It is really fun, but really cold.

In class someone mentioned the scripture 1 Samuel 16:7. 
But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenanceor on the height of his stature; because have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearancebut the Lord looketh on the heart. 

I have never considered myself to be a very big, strong, or confident person. I'm small and am not very assertive. But that is not how God see's me. God looks on my heart, and he knows that I have a heart full of love. That gave me much more confidence in my capabilities as a missionary. If any of you are lacking confidence in your physical stature or social capabilities, God doesn't care about those things. He only cares about who you are on the inside.

Nos Vemos!

Elder Cloward

Monday, February 19, 2018

Losing the whole zone!

Hola Todos!

This week felt like it went by so fast, but it also felt as if it was super long. 

We had an exceptional devotional on Tuesday about the Book of Mormon.   It is the most true book out of any book on the entire planet. I know that it is the word of God. Also, there is a project among the church to make Book of Mormon videos. They showed a sneak preview of them in the devotional, and they look like they will turn out really well. They will be a very good missionary tool. 

On Wednesday our district had the opportunity to host new missionaries coming to the  Missionary Training Center. It was rather hectic and also bittersweet because the new missionaries had three minutes to hug their families, leave their old lives behind and join the ranks of God's army. What a sacrifice! The Elder I hosted is serving in Salt Lake City. Because he doesn't have to learn a language he will leave the Missionary Training Center before I do. It's a pretty strange thought.

Fourteen of the twenty Elders in my zone are leaving early next week, and I think may only get 8 new ones. We are shrinking, and it will get a lot quieter in our dorms. It is rather sad to have them all leave, because I've grown rather close to a lot of them, but I know that they are off on the Lord's errand. After they leave, I will be one of the older Elder's in the zone, and I will have to step up to leading the new Elders. I hope I can welcome the new Elders with almost the same level of excitement as I was welcomed on my first day. (I say almost because the welcome I got was really really wild.)

I have gained a stronger testimony recently that music is a part of God's kingdom. Through choir here, or just humming tunes throughout my day, I have been able to stay much happier. It's amazing!

I'm pretty bad at remembering to take pictures. If you would like to see a picture of something I am experiencing here, send me an email and I will attach it in the next big email. If you have specific questions, please send me an email. I will respond to all emails. (99.9% chance to respond because something may come up keeping me from writing back) 

Elder Miller and I are currently teaching two investigators.

Laura is 18 and very excited to learn more about God and her purpose here in the United States. It is very easy to teach someone who has so much faith and wants the gospel so much in her life. She has learned to pray and read the Book of Mormon to answer her questions, and we taught her about the restoration. It's exciting!

Mauricio is 22 and is from Bolivia. He is Catholic and has a firm belief that if a church invites someone to Christ it is good. What he doesn't understand is that the church needs all of the authority from God in order to allow him to return to live in heaven. It has been rather frustrating to try and teach him when he hasn't yet taken the message to heart. On Monday, Elder Miller and I will testify strongly of the need for a restoration and the truth of our restored church. I plan to bring a bunch of cups labeled as different points of doctrine and stack them in the room. The cups provide stepping stones for us to reach God, A sticky note I will put on the wall. Then, I will explain how when Christ died, some cups (prophets, revelation, and the priesthood) were removed and the people on earth tried to make churches that brought people to God but they couldn't get there. They got people closer, but not all the way there. Thus we needed a restoration. Then I will testify that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christ's church. It has revelation, and priesthood, and prophets. It is the only church that allows people to return and live with God. 

To Mauricio, and everyone, you too can know that this church is the only true church if you read and pray about the Book of Mormon. Then if you pray with real intent, you can know through the Holy Ghost.
know this is true. 

Nos Vemos!

Elder Cloward

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Preparation Day no. 2

Hola Todos!

Things are beginning to get into a rhythm, so the days aren't quite so long. We are still learning more Spanish in a couple of hours than I learned in an entire week at school. The gift of tongues is real!

We are all done teaching our first investigator. We did a great job teaching him about the spirit and repentance. Although we spoke really slowly and with poor grammar, we had the spirit with us, and that is what counts. 

Next week, we will be teaching someone new. His name is Mauricio Rodriguez, and he is from Bolivia. He didn't tell us very much about himself or his concerns, so we will have to do our best to ask him as many questions as we can to try and understand how we can help him. Please pray that he will feel the spirit of our messages.

I feel as if I am also growing closer to my companion. He has a very dry and sarcastic humor, and it is hard to tell when he is having fun or is annoyed, but he has told me before that he is excited that he doing the work of a missionary. 

I'm also beginning to love my zone. They all do a lot of goofy things and may stay up a little late, but they have very strong testimonies and know how to work hard and love people.

During our time in the gym, my companion and I run for 20 minutes, then I play volleyball. I really like the non-competitive attitude in the gym. Most people are just in there to have a fun time. 

Today, I went through an endowment session. We were able to do the work for six of my eight names that I brought to the temple. The members in my zone that helped me out said stuff like, 'I'm going to meet that guy in heaven and be like, Wassup?!' or 'that guys a real G!'

I'm glad they all had the opportunity to help out and feel the spirit of the temple.

My companion is very proud of his Irish ancestry so he and I did the work for two people from Ireland. It was wonderful!

Half of our district will be leaving for the MTC in the Dominican Republic in a week and a half. Our class size will drop from 10 people to five. It is kind of sad to be shrunk so much, but I am happy for those that are leaving. They will learn so much from natives in their mission. 

Before I came, I didn't know whether or not I would be the only missionary with visa problems. Well, almost our entire zone is awaiting visas. Some people have been reassigned. However, I just received an email saying that my visa had made it in to be checked! I'm feeling more confident in my chance to go straight to Ecuador after my training here. Three other sisters in my zone are still scheduled to go to Ecuador Quito. I hope they are in the same boat.

I am still waking up 30 minutes to an hour before my alarm. Some part of me is too excited to get to work so I just end up lying in bed waiting. My companions sleep has gotten much better. Thank you for praying for him! 

Recently I think I have been eating too much. There is always a lot of good looking food available and I want to try it all, but I serve myself too much. I'll have to work on that so I don't gain too much weight before I leave for Ecuador. 

Thanks for all of the prayers. Week two has been a blast!

Nos Vemos!

Elder Cloward

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Preparation day no. 1

Hola Todos!

I am so excited to be here. The work of inviting others to Christ is the most important work on this Earth. They accelerate learning really quickly here. 

Day one, we were already speaking Spanish and teaching investigators about the church through classes called "People and our Purpose". 

Day two, we learned even more Spanish and helped other missionaries know how to overcome their weaknesses. I helped another elder who was learning Spanish feel more confident by reading Ether 12 :27 to him. If we are humble and work hard, our weaknesses will become our strengths. When I told him his Spanish would become a strength if he worked at it, the spirit confirmed the message. It was powerful! 

Day three, my district taught our first investigator in complete Spanish. His name is Jared, and he's at BYU because a friend told him they had a good program for studying business. He wants to know if God is there, but he is unsure. It was intimidating to teach him! My companion and I taught him about Joseph Smith, revelation, faith and prayer. We did a pretty good job teaching, but I feel like he needed a greater invitation to pray and ask God if he is there, and read Alma 32 to learn more of faith. I think we brought the spirit, which is important. Today we will teach him again and we will have a better knowledge of how to invite him to act, and we will do a better job testifying of God and Christ.

Whenever we discuss Jared and the chance that he will have to feel the spirit, I feel a little bit of the love that God has for him. It's wonderful. God loves all of us unconditionally. As an Elder, I also must love everyone. Please pray that Jared will want to exercise his faith and pray to God.

The food here is pretty good, and I like the whole atmosphere. I have an little issue where I wake up 30 minutes before we are supposed to and can't go back to sleep because I'm too excited to start working. It is great, but I need sleep. 

My companion is Elder Miller. He is from Arizona, and is going to Bolivia on his mission. He doesn't show a lot of emotion and is one of the most laid-back people I've met , but he has a great sense of humor. He has a lot of trouble sleeping though, and even with lots of melatonin, he stays up for a lot of the night. Please pray that he can sleep.

My zone is really crazy. They have a lot of wild traditions that are on the brink of being too much. However, they all have very strong testimonies of the Church, Christ, and the mission. They are wonderful. 

This work is great! I love all of it! I love my savior, and I love Jared our investigator! 
Also I'm typing this on a very sticky keyboard.


Elder Cloward