Things are beginning to get into a rhythm, so the days aren't quite so long. We are still learning more Spanish in a couple of hours than I learned in an entire week at school. The gift of tongues is real!
We are all done teaching our first investigator. We did a great job teaching him about the spirit and repentance. Although we spoke really slowly and with poor grammar, we had the spirit with us, and that is what counts.
I feel as if I am also growing closer to my companion. He has a very dry and sarcastic humor, and it is hard to tell when he is having fun or is annoyed, but he has told me before that he is excited that he doing the work of a missionary.
I'm also beginning to love my zone. They all do a lot of goofy things and may stay up a little late, but they have very strong testimonies and know how to work hard and love people.
During our time in the gym, my companion and I run for 20 minutes, then I play volleyball. I really like the non-competitive attitude in the gym. Most people are just in there to have a fun time.
Today, I went through an endowment session. We were able to do the work for six of my eight names that I brought to the temple. The members in my zone that helped me out said stuff like, 'I'm going to meet that guy in heaven and be like, Wassup?!' or 'that guys a real G!'
I'm glad they all had the opportunity to help out and feel the spirit of the temple.
My companion is very proud of his Irish ancestry so he and I did the work for two people from Ireland. It was wonderful!
Half of our district will be leaving for the MTC in the Dominican Republic in a week and a half. Our class size will drop from 10 people to five. It is kind of sad to be shrunk so much, but I am happy for those that are leaving. They will learn so much from natives in their mission.
Before I came, I didn't know whether or not I would be the only missionary with visa problems. Well, almost our entire zone is awaiting visas. Some people have been reassigned. However, I just received an email saying that my visa had made it in to be checked! I'm feeling more confident in my chance to go straight to Ecuador after my training here. Three other sisters in my zone are still scheduled to go to Ecuador Quito. I hope they are in the same boat.
I am still waking up 30 minutes to an hour before my alarm. Some part of me is too excited to get to work so I just end up lying in bed waiting. My companions sleep has gotten much better. Thank you for praying for him!
Recently I think I have been eating too much. There is always a lot of good looking food available and I want to try it all, but I serve myself too much. I'll have to work on that so I don't gain too much weight before I leave for Ecuador.
Thanks for all of the prayers. Week two has been a blast!
Nos Vemos!
Elder Cloward
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