Day one, we were already speaking Spanish and teaching investigators about the church through classes called "People and our Purpose".
Day two, we learned even more Spanish and helped other missionaries know how to overcome their weaknesses. I helped another elder who was learning Spanish feel more confident by reading Ether 12 :27 to him. If we are humble and work hard, our weaknesses will become our strengths. When I told him his Spanish would become a strength if he worked at it, the spirit confirmed the message. It was powerful!
Whenever we discuss Jared and the chance that he will have to feel the spirit, I feel a little bit of the love that God has for him. It's wonderful. God loves all of us unconditionally. As an Elder, I also must love everyone. Please pray that Jared will want to exercise his faith and pray to God.
My companion is Elder Miller. He is from Arizona, and is going to Bolivia on his mission. He doesn't show a lot of emotion and is one of the most laid-back people I've met , but he has a great sense of humor. He has a lot of trouble sleeping though, and even with lots of melatonin, he stays up for a lot of the night. Please pray that he can sleep.
My zone is really crazy. They have a lot of wild traditions that are on the brink of being too much. However, they all have very strong testimonies of the Church, Christ, and the mission. They are wonderful.
This work is great! I love all of it! I love my savior, and I love Jared our investigator!
Also I'm typing this on a very sticky keyboard.
Elder Cloward
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