Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Picapruebas (itchy trials)

Hola todos!

God really helped me learn this week. First of all, I caught a cold on Wednesday and it lasted almost the entire week. Then I started to develop a rash on my hands and arms that still is there and will probably stay for another week or so. But with all of the discomfort that I have felt this week, and in all of the weeks of my mission (stomach sicknesses, dehydration etc) I have learned something really important. My personal comfort is not as important as the people I am here serving. Their progression as children of God is more important than any sickness that I am feeling. Yes, there are times when it is smarter to rest, but I shouldn´t complain when I am struggling, because I am not here for me. I am here for them. God has helped me a lot to grow in love for the people through the difficulties I have been having in health. It is wonderful.

Marianela had her baptismal interview this week and will be baptized the next week. We are really excited to help grow her testimony and make that  really important promise with God. Also we have a few more baptisms coming up in 2 weeks. A young boy named Manuel who has grown a lot as we´ve taught him, and Jesus y Idilia who I talked about two weeks ago. (I think)
Jesus for all of his life had no interest in the church or God, but was assaulted and hospitalized in a coma for a few days. During that time he freaked out with all of the darkness and feared death. His children are all members but he and his wife aren´t, and he is ready to clear his slate with God. His progression has been amazing.
Next week we will set a few more on date. :)

For Pday we went to a fair that they had. It had a strong theme in the movie coco and we took a couple of great pictures. 




Thanks so much for the prayers and support.

Until next time!

Elder Cloward

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